Eco-friendly New Year’s Resolution

Rebecca Wilson, passionate about recycling across South Yorkshire
Rebecca Wilson
1 Jan 2023

Looking to start the year off with an eco-friendly resolution?

Here are some ideas to help get you started:

Eco-friendly things you can do this year.

Shop smart- From food shopping to clothes shopping, only buy the things you need. Try and buy from local shops and small business too.


Reduce food waste- It not only reduces climate change but can save us money. Read our tips on how to get started


Choose to reuse- Swap one disposable item for a reusable one. This could be something as simple as a water bottle, coffee cup or shopping bag or something bigger like nappies, sanitary products, or cosmetics/grooming products.


Buy second hand- You never know what pre-loved treasures are out there! Find books, clothes, toys, and homewares that are new to you, kinder to the planet and cost a fraction of their original cost.


Travel sustainably- Cut out one car journey a week and opt for public transport, walking or cycling.


Recycle right- Check what you can and can’t recycle at home on your Council’s website. It may have changes since the last time you have checked! Make sure you put things in the recycling washed and where possible squashed. Read more recycling tips here


Have a seasonal clothes swap- The perfect eco-friendly way to declutter your wardrobe and gain some new garments. This could be with friends, family, co-workers, or a community group. Find out how to start one here.


Start composting- You can compost all sorts from your kitchen and garden that can be turned into valuable plant food for your garden. Get started here.

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