Save on Your Food Bills with These Smart Tips

Rebecca Wilson, passionate about recycling across South Yorkshire
Rebecca Wilson
7 Aug 2024

If you're looking to cut down on your food costs without compromising on quality and nutritional value, you're in the right place!

Here are some practical tips to help you save money on your grocery bills:

Image of vegetable produce at a market
  1. Plan Your Meals 📝

One of the most effective ways to save on food bills is by planning your meals in advance. Take some time each week to decide what you'll be eating. Create a shopping list based on your meal plan and stick to it when you're at the store.

This helps you avoid impulse buys, which can add up quickly!


Benefits of Meal Planning:

  • Reduces food waste
  • Saves time during the week as you already know what to cook.
  • Helps you have a balanced and varied diet.


  1. Swap for Veggies and Beans🥦

Meat can be one of the most expensive items in your shopping trolley. Consider reducing your meat consumption and bulking up your meals with vegetables, beans, and pulses. These plant-based options are not only cheaper but also packed with nutrients. If you prefer to keep meat in your diet, opt for cheaper cuts of meat and poultry, such as chicken thighs, ribs and minced meat, which can be very flavourful when cooked properly.


Advantages of Plant-Based Meals:

  • Cost-effective and versatile.
  • Rich in fibre, vitamins, and minerals.
  • Environmentally friendly.


  1. Use Your Freezer Wisely🥶

Your freezer can be a powerful tool in saving money. Frozen fruits and vegetables are often less expensive than their fresh counterparts and have a longer shelf life. They are perfect for smoothies, stews, and other dishes.

Additionally, freezing any leftovers can help you make the most of your meals and reduce food waste.

Freezing Tips:

  • Label and date your frozen items to keep track of their freshness.
  • Portion out meals before freezing for easy reheating.
  • Use freezer-safe containers to maintain quality.


  1. Buy Loose Produce 🍌

Purchasing loose fruit and vegetables allows you to buy only the amount you need, which can significantly cut down on waste and save money

 Pre-packaged produce might seem convenient, but it often costs more and may include items that spoil before you can use them all.


Why Buy Loose:

  • More control over the quantity.
  • You can select the freshest/ best quality items.
  • Often cheaper per unit than pre-packaged produce.


  1. Seasonal Shopping 🍎

Fruits and vegetables that are in season are generally fresher, tastier, and more affordable. You can buy these from supermarkets, local markets, green grocers, and farm shops.

Check out what is currently in season on the Love British Food website.


Benefits of Seasonal Produce:

  • Often cheaper because of abundance
  • Reduced environmental impact
  • Produce tastes better when it’s grown in its natural season.




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